Lab Report Summary and Response

Image result for africanized honey bees

In the case study, “Multiple Bee Stings, Multiple Organs Involved” by Dr. Daniella Moore, a three year old boy was attacked by Africanized honey bees leaving him in a critical condition. While doctors looked into the case, they compared his reaction with the bee stings of other patients, what was the aftermath of the attack, and  explained the steps taken to treat the boy. The study was properly conducted.

A three year old boy received about 1,000 stings on his whole body by a large swarm of Africanized honey bees. When being admitted into the hospital, he was put into the intensive care unit, and diagnosed with shock. He stayed in the ICU for 18 days where his condition worsened. The boy’s  skin reacted badly to the bee venom and caused many organ issues with his heart, eyes and kidneys. The doctors treated him with many medications and soon he was discharged from the hospital with a few scars from the bee stings and an eye infection, which cleared in 60 days.

Moore provided actual images of the three year old boy, to show the severity of the boys condition, and included detailed explanations of the condition. For example, Moore wrote “skin lesions that evolved into vasculitis.” under one of the images presented in the report, visual explaining what how his body is reacting to bee venom.

The format of the case report shows that the study was properly conducted. The report was coherent, cohesive, and organized. Moore started the report off with an abstract which inform the audience on what the report is about and related to. Then she goes on to an introduction. In the introductions she introduced the case, explains how Africanized honey bees came about, and compared them to European honey bees. The comparison of the two type of honey bees let the readers understand that even though they are both bees, they have different reactions when they feel threatened. Africanized honey bees are more likely to attack and sting way more than European honey bees. In the actual case report, Moore stated all the medications used to treat the young boy, what he was first diagnosed with then as his conditioned worsened what else the doctors diagnosed him with. She did not leave any details out which lets the audience see the whole picture and know the whole story. Lastly, Moore included a discussion section which compared the three year old reaction to the bee venom to similar bee cases. The comparison resulted in Moore finding out the symptoms the victims suffer, like vomiting, and fatigue. Moore Alain had a conclusion that multiple bee stings can result in many organ injuries also even if the victim hasn’t showed any symptoms they should still be monitored and treated accordingly. The data collected from this case report allows to improve treatment in future cases.

The report could have been better improved by not mentioning European honey bees in the report. The case had nothing to do with European honey bees, and the victims of the bee attacks were stung by Africanized honey bees. Also it could have been better if she would have compared the boy case to more than 2 cases. Comparing the case to more than 2 cases could have further strengthened the conclusion derived from the report. Some questions Moore didn’t answer is why do bee victims react so badly to bee venom, and how to prevent bee attacks.